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臺中市大甲區大甲國民中學校友會 - 精緻學習適性獨尊夢想起飛、團結校友力量,發揮最大影響力!
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112學年度補助公立國民中小學與國外姐妹校互惠機制實施計畫 活動主題: DaJia & India 這學期第二次文化交流 (大甲國中&Mira Model School, India) 活動時間:112.12.07 活動內容簡介: 大甲國中與Mira Model School的師生繼上一次13歲班群(703)交流之後,這一次換成是14歲班群(809)。學生充分準備後,問了以下的問題並逐一詳細英文交流。 Mira Model School 12/7 Online meeting--Questions 1. What time is it now in your country? We go to school five days a week. 2. How many days do you go to school in a week? In our school, a class lasts forty-five minutes. 3. How many minutes does your class last? We have eight classes in a day. 4. How many classes do you have in a day? After school at 5:00, some students have to go to cram school to study like English, math, science… 5. Do you go to cram school after school? What subject? In Taiwan, we like to drink pearl milk tea. 6. Do you drink milk tea? 7. What’s your favorite food? 8. Do you have any festival? 而我們學生問印度姊妹校師生以下的問題: Da jia school Online meeting-Questions Q1. In our school, we play sports like cricket, basketball, volleyball, etc. Which sports do you play at school? Q2. What is your favourite subject? Why do you prefer it? Q3. Which profession would you like to pursue in the future? Q4. Does your country have different names other than Taiwan, and what does the word Taiwan mean? Q5. Do you have any historical monuments that tell you about your country's history? 06. Can you tell us something about your upcoming festival? Are there any traditional attires you wear during your festivity? Q7. India is a country that has diverse languages like Hindi and English as its official languages. Other than Mandarin, which are the popular languages in your country? Q8. Our school was founded on May 1st, 1972. In which year was your school founded? 看來印度姊妹校師生與我師生都很好奇對方一天的生活呢!不僅如此,還問到文化內涵的語言歷史等!圓滿成功!



銀行代碼:005 銀行:土地銀行-大甲分行 帳號:023001191071 戶名:臺中市大甲區大甲國民中學校友會
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